On A Eartha Kick

Good Evening Dames and Gentle Dames. I have recently been on a very serious Eartha Kitt binge. Aside from being a fantastic songstress, and probably THE DOPEST Cat Woman to date!! Eartha is one of my absolute favorite artists for her unwavering fortitude. The strength it must have taken to just survive, strive, and then achieve greatness. The strength it took for her to over come the lack of love from her early childhood, and feeling rejected most of her life for something that she could not control. The strength it took especially in her era to be a strong mixed raced woman and refuse to  allow the ignorance of others to silence her. She truly inspires me and I hope she can rouse a lil sumn sumn in you as well. “People these days are thinking less and drinking more” as Eartha said so it’s About Dame Time you sit back think a little less, drink a little more ,and listen to this wonderful humans music 🎶 ! Click what needs clicking and tell me if you like it.