
Hey Dames and Gentle Dames … Mon-daze – am I right?! It draggggged but I did find a handsome face and a gorgeous voice to listen to that eased my Monday fatigue. Matt Corby  *deep sigh* blushes for hours* his voice is like mulled wine on a frosty December night. As soon as I heard those deep sultry notes coming out from between those perfectly pouty lips my lady parts ..I mean my ears – yeaa – that’s what I meant ..yes, My Ears…what was I saying?! Ugh ok honestly this guy is just amazing and gives me a touch of the dizzies. I can’t think straight listening to him and writing this post I have a major crush and it’s AboutDameTime you develope one as well. So grab your drink of choice, listen to the playlist, and let me know if y’all are crushing as hard as I am.